Lasma Asme, Latvia
by Laurie Lind, Entrust staff writer
THEN: I accepted Jesus as my Savior when I was 16. I had youth leaders who discipled me and I took part in small groups.
NOW: I learned many tools during Entrust training that I could use the day after I learned them; tools for building relationships, for facilitating learning, for coming alongside others, for equipping others, for better understanding of God’s word.
THEN: Later, as a wife and mother of small children, I did not have opportunity for further training. I was far away from a real relationship with Jesus.
NOW: I am using what I’ve learned in all my relationships. The module Developing a Discerning Heart changed my thinking in many ways.
THEN: I took my first Entrust training in 2014 in Latvia. Eventually, I took all four core modules and joined Entrust staff in 2019.
NOW: My vision is for trained, discerning and loving women to be passing on what they’ve received, discipling other women and strengthening local churches in every region of Latvia. I’d also like to see us help start Entrust training in more countries of Europe.
"God used the Facilitating Relational Learning module to touch my heart and renew my relationships. It was like a second birth from above. It led to significant changes in my marriage and my ministry. As a result of that training, I started to lead a small group and started on my way to full-time ministry!" - Lasma