Lasma is second from left, Laura is third from left
Multiplying in Latvia
by Lasma Asme, Ventspils, Latvia
Note from Entrust’s Mo Blackmon: Lasma Asme was involved in Entrust’s first leadership training in Latvia when she took Facilitating Relational Learning (FRL) in 2014. The following year, in addition to practicing her new-found small group facilitation skills while leading Walking with Christ (WwC), she took another module – Developing a Discerning Heart (DDH). Due to family obligations, she then took a year off studies, but is now back with us and anticipating what God has for her through Entrust this coming year.
I studied FRL in October 2014. In January of 2015, I started a new small group to study WwC for one year. I practiced what I’d learned in FRL as I facilitated that group, and I tried to involve the women with tasks like planning icebreaker games, preparing learning activities on each lesson’s theme and sharing testimonies in the group.
At the same time that year, I took another Entrust module for women, DDH, which helped me learn to see how God has been at work in the joys and hurts of my life and to be able to minister to other women through their life journeys.
After WwC, that same group started a new study on the purpose of the Christian life. This time, each woman led one lesson. It was a really interesting and blessed time. The Holy Spirit led each of us differently, so that every lesson was quite different and exciting. The women told me they received so much from God in their preparation time. More women were gaining experience and confidence in the Lord as small group leaders. This study lasted half a year.
And then, in October 2016, we started something new with our whole church. We invited people from church to join small groups. It was a way to get to know one another, to understand what small groups are and how they work. All the small groups study the same material on the book of Revelation. Five new women came to our group. I invited one woman from my WwC group to lead with me. Her name is Laura. So this fall, we’ve been meeting weekly to prepare our study and then lead it together! By God’s power I’ve been able to multiply myself. I thank God for Laura and her responsive heart!
I thank God for the impact of this training on my whole church!