Timothy J. Hogan
Texas A&M University, College Station, B.A. 1981, MLERE 1985. Retired, commercial real estate executive, Dallas. Entrust board member since 2017
Tim came to saving faith in Christ through Young Life in high school in 1976. He recalls listening to the reading of I Cor. 13 for the first time during a YL club talk and being overwhelmed by how much God loved him and how his love is modeled through believers. Tim’s career has concentrated in real estate capital markets, mostly in the multi-family sector. He has been CFO for two industry leaders, Trammell Crow Residential and StreetLights Residential, both of Dallas. Tim and his wife, Tammy, live in Coppell, Texas and have three grown children.
“My connection with Entrust began when a mentor asked me to join him in the Czech Republic for a training session. From that experience, I recognized Entrust’s strategic mission to train those who desperately need it, but who don’t have the resources to study abroad. By facilitating the training and equipping of leaders, Entrust is helping to meet the needs of a hungry church. My hope is that my background in finance will help Entrust to continue to be a stable and evergreen platform for training leaders throughout the world.”