Thank you for your financial support for the staff,
ongoing ministry and special projects of Entrust

You may give online now by credit card or electronic funds transfer (EFT). You can go to our secure online giving page by clicking on Give Online Now where you can create an Online Profile. This enables you to log in and change your address, donation amount, credit card or checking account number and more. On that page you’ll find lists of Entrust staff members and projects, and the options of one-time or recurring gifts from your bank account or credit card.

To give by check, make check payable to Entrust. Please include a note telling us which staff member's ministry or project you want to support.
Send checks to:
Entrust, PO Box 25520, Colorado Springs, CO 80936-5520
If you use an online bill pay system, please have the bank include on the check your Entrust Donor ID number (found in the lower-left corner of your Entrust receipt) and the code number for the staff member or project you are giving toward (found in the middle of the receipt; for example, M### for a staff member, P### for a project, or G001 for General Operations). This will help us post your gifts
correctly. If you have not given to Entrust before or don’t have a receipt handy, please email or call 719.622.1980 and we will be happy to provide this information.
Gifts of publicly-traded stock are welcome. Before you call your broker, please email or call 719.622.1980 to let us know your name and what ministry you want your gift to support. The brokers do not usually pass on this information even if you tell them, and for your privacy, they will not tell it to us if we ask. In other words, if you don’t communicate with us directly, we will not be able to send you a receipt or use the money according to your preference. After you communicate with us, please give your broker the following information about our broker.
Gifts of publicly-traded stock may be sent directly by your broker to our broker - J. P. Morgan in Dallas, Texas.
Our Depository Trust Company (or DTC) # is DTC 0352
Our account number is 420-01252-D41
If the donor’s broker would like to call our broker, their phone number in Dallas is 214-979-7780. Talk to Kim (if she is available), the assistant to James Condry and Helen Jeanes.
Required minimum distributions from an IRA (Individual Retirement Account) may be sent tax-free to Entrust to support the ministry of a staff member, a particular Entrust project or where most needed. Please ask your IRA investment company to send the check directly to Entrust with the following information on the check stub:
Your name and address, so we can send you the acknowledgment letter you’ll need for your taxes.
The fund number or name of the staff member or project you prefer your donation to support.
Giving from donor advised funds. A check from a charitable gift foundation should be made out and sent to Entrust as noted in the “Check” section above. Make sure to include the name of the project or the staff member whose ministry you want your gift to support.
Retirement plan beneficiary designation is one of the successful ways to give to a not-for-profit organization on a testamentary basis. Whereas payments to family members would be subject to income taxes and potentially estate taxes, a gift of 10% of your plan by means of a beneficiary designation would flow income- and estate tax-free to Entrust in support of a particular Entrust ministry, the general fund or where most needed.
Real property, business interests and other complex assets must be sold in order to benefit the ministry. Entrust can recommend organizations that facilitate the receiving of tax-deductible donations of real property and complex assets for the benefit of the donor and Entrust.
King Soopers and other Kroger stores have set up a “community rewards” program for which you may register using your loyalty card. A percentage of purchases by shoppers who have designated Entrust will be sent to support the work of multiplying leaders for multiplying churches.
We receipt gifts per IRS guidelines. Every receipt we mail to you will reflect your year-to-date giving. If you give online, you will receive a single paper receipt at the end of the year, reflecting your entire year’s giving. If you donate by check you will receive receipts by mail after every gift, unless you request only a year-end (annual) receipt. Please call or email us if we can assist you in any way.