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Peter and Sarah*, Asia

Laurie Lind, Entrust staff writer

THEN: Ministry training is scarce in the part of the world where Peter grew up. “Generally,” he says, “most of the ministers and pastors are self-taught.” His wife Sarah, meanwhile, grew up in the U.S. with no shortage of available ministry training.

NOW: “Entrust’s model of learning has been one of the greatest things I have learned and used in ministry. Facilitation class has helped me teach better and be more effective in doing discipleship,” Peter says. He and Sarah serve at a church in Dallas where they minister to people from his country.

THEN: “My dad is a pastor in my home country,” Peter says, “and I grew up in church settings where I had the opportunity to be discipled by others.”

NOW:  “My wife and I have a passion to train leaders and make disciples in my home country.”

THEN: “I had the privilege of studying the word of God at two seminaries. I did my master of divinity in Asia, and I will complete a master of theology at Dallas Theological Seminary this academic year.” Peter and Sarah met at DTS, where they first learned about and sensed God’s call to join Entrust.

NOW: “Entrust models well the locally-driven learning concept, which will be very effective for rural people groups where I’m from. We cannot simply take curriculum and methods to the remotest parts of my country and expect them to be effective. My wife and I look forward to contextualizing current Entrust material as well as developing new, applicable content.”

“Many pastors in the rural areas of my country do not have the time or opportunity to leave their lands or families to go study. We want to help bring training to them. In a time when false teachings are running rampant, these spiritually hungry but untrained pastors are often led astray. We want to equip pastors to read and study God’s word on their own.”
- Peter

*Not their real names.

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