North America

Retired Entrust board member Gwynne Johnson (left) prays for Jennifer Frey
Multiplying in the United States
Tomball Bible Church
“The women at Tomball Bible Church are on fire,” according to Joyceln S., Entrust Women-to-Women Ministry Training (WWMT) hub coordinator in Texas. Based on that glowing report, we contacted Jennifer Frey, Women’s Team co-leader at this church in a small town 30 miles outside of Houston.
“This is our fourth year using Entrust materials,” Jennifer reports.
”We currently have five Developing a Discerning Heart (DDH) groups, five Facilitating Relational Learning (FRL) groups and one Discovery Bible Study (DBS) group. Over 68 women and eight 12th grade girls are using Entrust curriculum. All of these courses are offered over a 9-month period. We offer some once a month and some weekly. We also offer monthly mentor meetings for our participants.”
Multiplication is occurring within Tomball Bible Church. “Entrust has given our church an incredible method and venue to live out 2 Tim. 2:2. We are equipping women to equip. Over the last four years, the common theme I have personally encountered is the idea that women want to be invested in and equipped to minister to those around them. Entrust has given us both the tools and the methods for making disciples.”
At the same time, Tomball is multiplying beyond its own walls, Jennifer says. “We have seen our women take Entrust courses into their neighborhoods, into their current ministries, into their work places, and ultimately to the ends of the earth as we have launched one of our own to Kenya. This fall, two of our women traveled to Africa and hope to return in the coming months to begin new Entrust courses [there]. I personally will travel to Mexico this January to bring DDH to a group of [women serving there cross-culturally].”