Middle East
Well worth the time and energy
My recent trip to the Middle East brought a lot of joy. It was a very long way to go to teach a Bible course to a classroom full of refugees, but I believe it was well worth the time and energy and expense! I love teaching the scriptures to people who are eager to learn, and my time at the Entrust Bible Institute was invigorating and satisfying. There is something very special about spending time face-to-face with our Entrust colleagues and the students that can’t be duplicated by Zoom calls and emails.
I enjoyed team-teaching with Chris Goree. It was nice to be able to alternate teaching sessions, and I learned a creative pedagogical technique by observing him in the classroom.
I was encouraged that one of our students who took some of our classes in another city several years ago is now pastoring the refugee church in our new location. His wife (who is also a student) is ministering to other women. Our Entrust colleagues are actively mentoring and providing on-the-job training to this faithful young couple, which is not only a beautiful example of spiritual multiplication in action, but it also helps free our colleagues to devote more of their time and mental bandwidth to leading the Bible Institute.