You joined hands
with Entrust staff members this year with your prayers and gifts.
Our staff joined hands with Christian leaders with equipping and training ministry.
Here are some of those leaders.

Sound familiar?
Anna Ruth Liao’s church in Legazpi City, the Philippines, encourages people to get involved in house church communities. She and her husband hosted one in their home. Each week, someone in the group was asked to lead the discussion.

Spanish revival?
Less than one percent evangelical? Not on our watch!
Young Spanish-speaking Christians are praying for and seeing beginnings of revival. Passionate for Jesus, they’re doing their part to help believers grow spiritually across the Spanish-speaking world.

Learning to bring truth to life
Thozamile Mofu’s weekends and Wednesday evenings are devoted to evangelism.
Sibonelo Nyawo serves with Word of Life South Africa in its discipleship ministry.

Lightening leaders' loads
When your load is heavy and you feel alone in the carrying, it’s refreshing to have someone come alongside you. Someone who can say, “I understand. I’ve carried a similar load,” and, “Let me help.”
Angela knows.

An amazing tool for parents
Natasha Vuckovic loves children.
She works at a day care, then invests evenings and weekends in the lives of even more children and their parents in her community and her church, Protestant Christian Fellowship in Novi Sad, Serbia.

A church for secret believers
Edward once pastored a church in his home city. He was ordained. His wife assisted him in the ministry. His three young children were growing to know Jesus.
But over time, life became too dangerous where he lived. Edward made the hard decision to move his family to a more stable region.

Stepping Up to Her Place
Women in Southern Africa increasingly find themselves in leadership roles; in the church, community or government. Whether or not they sought these roles, they are willing to serve.
Entrust’s Dr. Elesinah Chauke recognizes these women’s needs.

Donate to Entrust today to equip more local leaders to multiply churches, change lives and ignite movements of transformation.
P.O. Box 25520
Colorado Springs, CO 80936-5520
Entrust is a registered 501(c)(3)
EIN: 54-1256309