We seek to design Christian leadership training systems adhering to these guiding principles:
ACCESSIBLE | Transferable | Local Church | Contextualized | Collaborative | Transformative | Accountable & Transparent
African women increasingly find themselves filling key leadership roles in both Christian and secular sectors. In response, Entrust’s Dr. Elesinah Chauke and Dr. Rose Galadima founded Stepping Up to Her Place, a 2-year certificate program for women leaders.
Courses offered include
Bible study skills for leadership development
Synoptic gospels
Identifying and developing spiritual gifts
Introduction to Christian ethics and leadership
Mentoring and coaching skills for Christian leaders
Being a woman leader in an African context

A current participant describes the value of the training. “Stepping Up to Her Place has given me a lot of confidence as a woman leader. The program has helped me to know that I do not have to imitate other people; rather, I have to be myself and lead others according to my spiritual gifts. I have many women under my leadership. I am determined to help them to develop their own God-given abilities so that we can serve our church better.”
Recently, Dr. Chauke and her team offered a workshop to introduce the training in Malawi. Twelve women registered, but with another nine on a waiting list, the team managed to accommodate all 21 for the 3-day event. They included pastors’ wives, Sunday School teachers and church treasurers, all women of influence in churches of varied denominations.
Women become Stepping Up students by way of application and with their husbands’ and pastors’ consent. Modules are priced in accordance with local economies: $30 in Malawi and $50 in Zimbabwe and South Africa. Training is held in-person or on Zoom, whatever is most advantageous to the participants.
Stepping Up to Her Place is associated with Christian networks including the African Women in Missions Network and the Pan African Christian Women Alliance.
Designed by and for women in Africa, it’s an accessible training opportunity meeting a real need in the region. Which is what Entrust is all about.
Because Christ commissioned the church to train believers to maturity, we train indigenous men and women to equip others through biblical leadership training that is accessible financially, geographically, culturally and educationally.