Our staff joined hands with Christian leaders through equipping and training ministry.
Throughout 2024, you learned about some of those Christian leaders in this newsletter. How are they doing now?

Anna Ruth, Philippines, participating in the fourth and final Entrust Equipping Women module, Equipping Women to Serve. She’s gained “Scripture facilitation methods that engage and inspire the group,” which is timely, as her church recently entrusted her with leadership of a house church community. Read Anna Ruth's story.

Juan Marcos, Spain, along with Entrust’s Dámaris and team, offering training to local churches to develop authentic relationships resulting in evangelism, discipleship and multiplication. Read Juan Marcos' story.

Thozamile and Sibonelo, South Africa, studying at International College of Bible and Missions and working in ministry. Thozamile does weekly evangelism and preaches. Learning the “ten steps of preparing a sermon” in one of his classes was especially helpful. Sibonelo does outreach and discipleship in Zandspruit Township, a place full of “young people with willing hearts who just need to be taught and encouraged.” Read Thozamile & Sibonelo’s story.
Angela, Asia, teaches and ministers at a Bible college and a church. Ongoing civil war, along with a typhoon, inflation and growing crime rate, make life difficult. She is grateful for God’s protection, provision, and occasional encouragement visits from Entrust. Read Angela's story.

Natasha, Serbia, coordinates parent and family ministries in her church, having moved on from working primarily with children. Skills from Entrust help her, especially in a Bible study she hosts with young mothers. Read Natasha's story.
Edward, Middle East, continues shepherding the people of his online church, some of whom also meet in a home group. Every other week, he preaches at a church in a nearby town. He desires to plant a church in another region of his country and is praying for the resources to do so. Local Entrust staff assist him via encouragement, networking and occasional financial support. Read Edward's story.

Sophy, Southern Africa, remains a leader in her community and a learner in Stepping Up to Her Place, a regional Christian leadership initiative launched by an Entrust worker. Sophy has recruited three new women from her church to join her in learning with the Stepping Up program. Read Sophy’s story.
Your generous year-end gift will further our equipping, encouraging and training of these leaders, and hundreds more like them! Please prayerfully remember us with your gifts this month.
Thank you!
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EIN: 54-1256309