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Changed by questions

By Laurie Lind, Entrust staff writer

Four people in Africa.

The course: Transforming Communities through Holistic Engagement.

The MMD* facilitator: Dr. Elesinah Chauke.

The setting: a rural community in Southern Africa. Dr. Chauke asked the group members to each think of a need in their community. Various needs were named.

One of them mentioned the lack of classrooms in a particular school. The youngest children

had to sit outside during lessons, causing difficulty on rainy days when those young students

were forced indoors, meaning multiple age levels had to share a single room. “What solution

can you think of, to respond to this particular need in your community?” Dr. Chauke asked.

The learner came up with a solution. He mobilized people from his church to go to a place

where bricks are made. They molded bricks and constructed a block of classrooms at the

school. Afterward, Elesinah debriefed with him. “What has this experience taught you?”

He listed at least five lessons learned.

1. There are many things we can do to help our communities if we think and plan.

2. We do not have to depend on other people to come and help in everything.

3. God has given us brains. We need to use them.

4. No matter how small, anything we can contribute to our communities,

God can bless and multiply.

5. Our experience can encourage others. I was invited to a neighboring church to share

the steps about this building project. They then did the same thing.

Dr. Chauke says she and the learner gained new insights from this question-based

learning experience.

*More than a Mile Deep, Entrust’s ministry partner in Southern Africa

“The question-based method of learning is empowering …

It changes learners from passive recipients to active co-content

creators and knowledge producers.”

– Dr. Elesinah Chauke

One of our high values at Entrust is question-based learning.

Discover Dr. Chauke’s thoughts on the topic and read more

about MMD at

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