Entrust comes alongside leaders in Africa in partnership with local ministries including More than a Mile Deep, the Global Mentorship Network, Stepping Up to Her Place and the International College of Bible and Missions.
Entrust Equipping Women offers trainings to equip women with biblical skills and ability to nurture others in leadership and relationships in the context of the local church.

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Entrust Equipping Women offers both international hub training in English, and local training in local languages in Africa.
Learn more about Equipping Women.

Entrust Equipping Women international hub trainings are generally held in person in Kenya, usually for about eight days. Women of all ages, nationalities and walks of life are welcome. Ability to study and converse in English is required.
Find out more by emailing eastafricahub@entrust4.org
Entrust Equipping Women offers local trainings in several East African countries. These trainings are conducted in local languages. Women of all ages and walks of life are welcome.
Learn more by emailing eastafricahub@entrust4.org

More than a Mile Deep is an African-owned and designed, non-formal, accredited, ministry training program employed across sub-Saharan Africa. Its curriculum is written, tested and facilitated by regional Christian leaders. Steeped in Scripture and designed to address the unique needs of the African church, each course aims to achieve individual, church and community transformation.

The International College of Bible and Missions exists to serve the need of training leaders for the evangelical churches of Southern Africa. Located in Johannesburg, South Africa, the school offers theological and practical Christian ministry training for men and women of multiple ethnicities and religious backgrounds and serves as a resource for regional churches and lay leaders.

Help make more training possible
for more women in Africa.

African women are increasingly afforded leadership responsibilities in both secular and church settings. Stepping Up to Her Place, launched and directed by a local team of women, is a 2-year certificate program incorporating education, mentoring and consultancy. Courses include Bible study skills for leadership development, the synoptic gospels, spiritual gifts, Christian ethics and leadership, and being a woman leader in an African context.

Global Mentorship Network is a leadership initiative seeking to develop leaders from a spiritual and intellectual base. It aims to impact not only current leaders, but future generations of leaders in all walks of life. GMN focuses specifically on spiritual formation, professional development, ministry effectiveness and marriage and family, with the goal of influencing all corners of society with Christian values.
From uncertainty to humble confidence
Whatever a pastor’s wife was supposed to be, Sophy felt she was not. She wasn’t sure how to be a mentor. She disliked criticism, didn’t like to be disappointed and hated conflict. Socializing was difficult for her. Read more.>
Diligent equippers
Meet Beatrice and Sandra. Diligent followers of Jesus, eager to equip other women like themselves. They are just two of those who took part in Entrust Equipping Women’s Facilitating Relational Learning module in Zambia in April 2022. Read more >
Assured of God's presence in a tangible way
Life was good for young Bradley Ramsamy. He lived with his parents and older sister in Lenasia, a suburb of Johannesburg, South Africa. “We were neither rich nor poor,” he recalls. “My mum and dad earned enough to feed and clothe us. We had a humble home and car.” Read more >
Two new churches are born
Planting and Nurturing Enduring Churches. Who’s ever heard of, let alone taken, let alone successfully completed, a course with a title like that? Two students taking part in More than a Mile Deep* training in Zimbabwe took this course and not only successfully completed it, but actually planted two churches in the process. Read more >
Learning to Bring Truth to Life
Thomazile Mofu’s weekends and Wednesday evenings are devoted to evangelism. He distributes flyers and converses with young people at an area near a squatter camp every Saturday and Sunday, along with his mentor. He spends his Wednesdays at the gold mines, again along with his mentor, engaging workers in spiritual conversations. Read more>
A pastor took a walk
It all started with a walk. It was 2017. Liberian pastor Andrew Gombay was studying at a small Bible college in Pennsylvania. One day, he took a walk. Read more >
ICBM Virtual Vision Trip
Take a virtual vision trip to International College of Bible and Missions, an Entrust ministry partner in Johannesburg, where local pastors with limited means are studying Bible and theology. Read more >
Deep learning, wide applications
More than a Mile Deep (MMD) in Moçambique celebrated the greatest milestone of its existence on October 5, 2019. Ten students graduated from a discipleship program with a fully accredited bachelor’s in theology (B.Th.) degree. Read more >
20 life stories
Twenty women of varied ethnicities, languages, tribes and life experiences made up our first-ever Entrust Equipping Women Kenyan hub training in 2017. Read more.>
Virtual vision trips are win-win-win
At the International College of Bible and Missions, we equip pastors, providing them with accredited theological college degrees. We strive to help not only the wealthy students but also the students who come from extremely poor communities that were deeply affected by Apartheid. We train men and women to study, live and preach God's word in their communities as they strengthen the church in all its ministries. Read more >
Global Mentorship Network
Global Mentorship Network aims to impact not only current leaders, but future generations of leaders – mentor leaders who mentor leaders for professional excellence and spiritual formation. Read more >
Content and process must be culturally relevant
Is Entrust’s Developing a Discerning Heart course relevant to women in Africa? Absolutely! Its foundation on the word of God crosses all cultural barriers and makes it a powerful course for life transformation. Read more >