An exciting, historic moment for Entrust! We are merging with One Challenge! Find out more.
No two settings look alike.
Structured yet flexible, allowing simultaneous study and daily life, this type of training often leads to certification.
Developing women for biblical leadership
Building breadth and depth into the African church
Training African women in leadership
Mentoring leaders who mentor leaders
Brick-and-mortar, requiring concentrated attendance, this type of training often leads to a degree.
International College of Bible and Missions
Training leaders for evangelical churches
in Southern Africa
Collaborating to develop transformative curriculum
Providing persecuted believers with
theological education
No two settings look alike.
Structured yet flexible, allowing simultaneous study and daily life, this type of training often leads to certification.
Developing women for biblical leadership
Building breadth and depth into the African church
Training African women in leadership
Mentoring leaders who mentor leaders
Brick-and-mortar, requiring concentrated attendance, this type of training often leads to a degree.
International College of Bible and Missions
Training leaders for evangelical churches in Southern Africa
Collaborating to develop transformative curriculum
Providing persecuted believers with theological education

Relational and mutual, this type of training encourages pastors and other leaders in their spiritual growth and ministry effectiveness.
Developing women for biblical leadership
Mentoring leaders who mentor leaders
Training African women in leadership
Coming alongside pastors and church leaders
Discreet and creative, this type of training often meets humanitarian needs while opening the door for equipping and training local church leaders.
Providing persecuted believers with theological education
Developing women for biblical leadership
Collaborating to develop transformative curriculum
Equipping, refreshing and building unity among leaders
Churches are being planted faster than leaders are being trained.

New churches open every week worldwide
Percent of the world’s pastors lack adequate theological training
In the number of women desiring to further their ministry skills in all denominations and regions
Equip and be equipped.
Join our international team in equipping and mentoring Christian leaders worldwide.